I have been remiss lately in not keeping up this series, which I know many people find interesting because they get viewed very often. However, I recently obtained one of these books and finished reading it just this morning, and one of my takeaways was that it was the newest Haydn book I had (2013), it had been released almost six years ago, and yet I had never heard of it, I was totally unaware of its existence until I happened across a mention of it over the Holidays. And I do look for such things!
If I have a hard time finding things like this, I can only assume that you do also. So here are a few concrete suggestions. They are all books I was able to purchase, some would have been quite expensive if I bought them new, but I didn't, I confess. If you are fortunate enough to have access to a good library, you can probably read them for free, which is a great price indeed.
Here is a link to the page, which also appears in the right sidebar.